Year: 2016

Isn’t It Ironic, Don’t You Think?

I was an idealistic college student when Alanis Morissette’s song Ironic was a Billboard hit. It was a cool tune with melodramatic lyrics from a bitchin’ singer-songwriter.  I thought she was a total badass.  Still do actually. Now, 20 years later (good Lord, how did two decades… Continue Reading “Isn’t It Ironic, Don’t You Think?”

Rustic Rainbows

This post was originally drafted  on Wednesday evening, June 8, 2016. Milestones. Rites of passage. Birthdays…  Anniversaries. June 8. Today would have been my 14th wedding anniversary.  Would have been. Unfortunately, my divorce was final 16 days ago.  I say “unfortunately” because I don’t think… Continue Reading “Rustic Rainbows”

A Different Kind of Trifecta

Today was a hard day.  Not impossible.  Not as sad as I expected. But hard.  I did all that I promised myself I would.  I slept in, I enjoyed my coffee, I ignored work, I indulged some self-care and quiet time for reflection, I… Continue Reading “A Different Kind of Trifecta”

A Loyalty Libation

Loyalty is a funny thing.  And honestly, I’m struggling with it. Not in my own loyalty to others, but rather their loyalty to me. And, as I’ve learned about myself, writing can be the cork popper… the release of whatever pressure exists.  But like… Continue Reading “A Loyalty Libation”


  I stayed home from work yesterday.  I was feeling a bit under the weather… worn a little thin and not taking care of myself as I should finally caught up with me.  I found little humor in the fact it was also April… Continue Reading “Home”

Thirsty Horses

“You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.” ~Proverb I’ve heard this phrase my entire life and I’m certain that, at times, I’ve even been that horse.  But what I’m discovering nearly four decades into this crazy rodeo is… Continue Reading “Thirsty Horses”

The Best Part of Waking Up…

I love coffee.  I do. Truly. It’s a recent phenomenon to me over the past decade… really since the birth of my second child when I needed caffeine to survive.  I made it through college all-nighters and even baby #1, but when I transitioned… Continue Reading “The Best Part of Waking Up…”

Bye Felicia, Bring on Enya

Whew doggies!!! This week was for the birds!  You know the kind– a no good, everything goes wrong, woe is me, shitty, pour salt in the wounds, put me in a padded room kind of week?  The kind that you don’t say, “TGIF everyone– Have… Continue Reading “Bye Felicia, Bring on Enya”

Five Finds Friday

I’m new to the world of blogging, but my amazing colleague, Holly Paulette, is helping me out.  She and her friend, Taylor Schumann, host this fun link-up called Five Finds Friday.  They share things they love from around the Internet and I’ve been invited… Continue Reading “Five Finds Friday”

Cockroaches and Butterflies

( I originally wrote this at a work retreat focused on storytelling and Virginia Tech’s Aspirations for Student Learning. Now that I’m blogging, it seemed only appropriate to share it on MLK Jr. Day.) Prepare for a Life of Courageous Leadership Virginia Tech students… Continue Reading “Cockroaches and Butterflies”