Year: 2020

Will You Shut Up, Man?

The media has been ablaze this week about Joseph Epstein’s Op-Ed for the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) about incoming First Lady Jill Biden’s earned title of “Dr.” I must admit that, at first, I couldn’t get past the author’s last name, wondering if he… Continue Reading “Will You Shut Up, Man?”

One Year Later

November 1. Damn there is a lot that happens… or not… in a year. 365 days ago right now (I’m typing at 5:15 p.m.) I walked out of my office as the Director of Communications for Student Affairs at Virginia Tech. I’d only been… Continue Reading “One Year Later”

We hold these truths…

It was validating to mark the boxes, feed the ballot into the machine, and claim my sticker. For many, at this stage, their job is done. But not for me, not yet.

Best Laid Plans

“Where do you hope to be in five years? Ten?” This must be the most pointless question ever asked. I guess, depending on the answer, it might show ambition… desire… hopeful achievement. Maybe. Thus far, however, my crystal ball of wishful thinking has been… Continue Reading “Best Laid Plans”

The In Between

All or Nothing. This extreme… the perpetual binary… is not only short-sighted and inaccurate, it’s harmful, restrictive, and diminishing. It’s lessons us as individuals and demoralizes us as a society. If there is a demise to the United States, I fear it will be because we insist on extremes… because we label indiscriminately and carelessly… because we don’t take the time to know ourselves, much less anyone else… because we forget the in between.


For the past several new years, I’ve chosen a word of intention to guide my next 365 days. 2020’s word is BOUNDARIES. Boundaries… personal boundaries, specifically… are defined by Wikipedia as: “…guidelines, rules, or limits that a person creates to identify reasonable, safe, and… Continue Reading “Boundaries”

Dear Class of 2020

This is just one of probably thousands of letters or scripts that will be written over the course of the next month. Words of wisdom will be delivered by celebrities, politicians, and icons from all facets of the planet. I don’t contend to have… Continue Reading “Dear Class of 2020”

Hindsight or Blindsight?

People who know me know that I adore music. In fact, I’ve always wished my life were an actual musical… where at any given moment in time, I, along with those around me, break out into song and dance. It’s why so many friends… Continue Reading “Hindsight or Blindsight?”

Stupid Perceptions

I’ve been doing a lot of reading, writing, and coloring given COVID-19 and my best adherence to self-distancing. Virginia’s governor upped the ante yesterday when he gave stay-at-home orders. Executive Order #55 says we should basically home quarantine “until June 10, 2020, unless amended… Continue Reading “Stupid Perceptions”

Just Do You

Theoretically, social media is what is keeping us going at this time, during the COVID-19 pandemic… online classes, Zoom meetings, FaceTiming with friends, mindless scrolling, YouTube videos that make you laugh, TikToks that make you dance, pinning things to Pinterest boards, and not missing… Continue Reading “Just Do You”