Year: 2021

No Medals for Suffering

Olympian, gold medalist, most decorated U.S. gymnast ever, and all-around bad ass Simone Biles has been in the headlines non-stop for the past two weeks. Not for the gold medals she was predicted to win, but because she chose her health and well-being over… Continue Reading “No Medals for Suffering”

I Hope You Dance

Being a parent is hard! It’s often feels like walking a tightrope… balancing between being your child(ren)’s biggest cheerleader and a drill sergeant… between tough love and teachable moments. They grow from entirely dependent and cuddly babies, to sassy toddlers, to “me” and “mine”… Continue Reading “I Hope You Dance”

44 Revolutions

Yesterday, I turned 44. It was a nice, quiet day with my significant other featuring a smattering of texts, FB messages, and phone calls from family and friends. The sun was shining. We went to one of our favorite outdoor nature spots. I took… Continue Reading “44 Revolutions”

Unsung Heroes

COVID-19 sucks. Period. There are more elegant ways I could say such, but I’m going for brevity and clarity. Discussing it more than I already have over the past year would be like beating a dead horse, except this damn horse never dies. People… Continue Reading “Unsung Heroes”

A Day In The Life

As we approach the one-year mark for this “wear a mask, wash your hands, and watch your distance” COVID-19 global pandemic, every day is starting to feel like groundhog’s day. Wash, rinse, repeat… except even bathing seems like yeoman’s work some days. What was… Continue Reading “A Day In The Life”

The Power of Women

I simply cannot let the historic magnitude of this day pass by without acknowledging it. Kamala Harris was sworn in today as United States’ first female vice president, the highest-ranking female elected official in U.S. history, as the first Black/African American vice president, and the… Continue Reading “The Power of Women”

Life Lessons from my Christmas Tree

January 6… Epiphany if you’re of the Christian faith. In short, the REAL 12 days of Christmas complete. Given I started putting up decorations well before Thanksgiving, some might say I love this holiday. And, I do. Undeniable. While many loathe taking down the… Continue Reading “Life Lessons from my Christmas Tree”

Feeling Good

Happy New Year! It’s still quiet in my house as everyone else sleeps in. I love waking up with a song lyric in my head that serves as a writing prompt. Here I am… quietly by the Christmas tree that’s still lit and sparkling,… Continue Reading “Feeling Good”